Faithfulness: A Priceless Virtue


-By Magdalene Victor ||

For about 15 years now, I have been engaged in braiding hair as a business. I remember one day, an elderly woman I never knew before, got my phone number from someone and called me to braid her hair. The woman called me in the morning and wants me to come in the afternoon. I told her I would not have time to come due to my much schedules for that day. But she pleaded with me, assuring me that the style she wants was simple and would not take much time to do. At last, I told her I would be coming by 7 pm. I rearranged my schedules to meet up with the commitment I made to her. On the way to her house that evening, I had a little delay and arrived at 7:05 pm. When she opened the gate, she was surprised to see me. “Wow!” she exclaimed, “I have given up when you said 7 pm because most hair stylists are not faithful to their words.” “You are a faithful lady,” she added. After braiding her hair she paid me, adding an extra amount on top for keeping to my word. She thanked me so much, and I left.

Why people are not faithful

Faithfulness is such a virtue that has been bastardized in our generation. Today people, both young and old see faithfulness as archaic because the love of God has waxed cold in our society. It is, unfortunately, that today the menace of unfaithfulness has entered into the church. People make promises in public even to God that they know would not be fulfilled because they want to attract the praise of men.

Reward of Faithfulness

  • Assurance of God’s Provision and Backing
    • God’s backing is always evident in the life of faithful people. God has promised in His Word never to forsake the just and the faithful; in addition, He will always to love them. God is committed to seeing that the faithful enjoy His provision, protection, and love in all aspect of their life. The Bible says, “For the LORD loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones” (Psalm 37:28NIV).
  • Favor
    • Faithfulness opens us to favor and brings us before great men, Christians and non-Christians alike. Faithfulness is like a magnet. It attracts people towards you. Ruth was favored in her life that she became part of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah although she came from a pagan ancestry because of her commitment to her mother-in-law Naomi and God.
    • Today, many people have been lifted to great places of authority and success as a result of their faithfulness.
  • Peace of the Mind
    • Another reward of faithfulness is peace of the mind. You would not be afraid or agitated about your reputation or any of your actions because of any misconduct that will be discovered soon or later. You become confident in whatever you are doing because there will be peace in you.
  • Success
    • Great men and women both in the Bible and in our time today who made a great impact in their sphere of influence were not unfaithfulness to their jobs. Success is highly dependent on the level of one’s commitment to whatever he or she is doing.
    • Are you a student? How faithful are you to your studies? Are you into business? How faithful are you in attending to your customers? Can your clients attest to your faithfulness? Do you keep to your word or promise?

Faithfulness is nonnegotiable virtue to success whether it is done secretly or in the open. However, the reward is often in the open.

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