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Sunday 12, February 2023
Pastor Coston Pwavodi
Title: Life in the Holy Spirit & Life in the Flesh
- Life in the flesh is not a life to practice. It is a nature; it is a life that is already a part of human nature.
- Life in the flesh has no Jesus, so nothing good can come out of it.
- But the life of the Holy Spirit is not the life of an unbeliever.
- The life of the Holy Spirit is regulated by the law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus, which has given you freedom from sins and death.
- Life in the Holy Spirit is not a life that God has designed for ignorance.
- Life in the Holy Spirit gives you the desire to preach the gospel.
- Life in the Holy Spirit gives you strength, interpretation of tongues, words of knowledge and wisdom, and helps you produce a fruitful life.
- The only way God can allow us to live these lives is to heed the Holy Spirit.
- To be led by the Spirit is to read God’s word.
- An unrenewed mind is a mind that will restrict the work of God.
- If you are saved and your spirit is saved, but your mind is not renewed, the life of God cannot be expressed through you.
- Every time you leave the versatility of God, sin will be knocking at your door.